Friday, May 24, 2013

Reflecting with Gratitude

Janet Ruggiero in a
small group discussion.
I am at Mont La Salle, my first time back since I returned from Rome and the International Assembly. Everyone asks how was it? Did you have a good experience?  Are there any new initiatives we should be doing based on the discussions at the Assembly? So many questions yet my responses seem to always talk about individuals I met, events that occurred or adjectives that described my experience.  The one word that keeps coming to my mind is the word gratitude.

In gratitude for the unbelievable opportunity to be a member of the RELAN delegation. Each member of RELAN participated fully in everything  - their amazing organizational skills, their facilitation, the ability to speak so slowly and so elegantly, and of course their dancing. They truly are an amazing group of individuals, especially the young Lasallians - no better group to laugh and talk with.

Brother Michael French and
Charlie Legendre
In gratitude for the prayer services especially the music. They were, thought- provoking, inspiring, and awakening, especially when the pottery hit the ground. I can still hear the drums and “We Are Marching.” Brother Charlie and Brother Michael - you truly touched my heart and aroused my spirit.

In gratitude  for new friendships. The first person I met from outside our Region was Josephine Drumange from Papua New Guinea, a quiet woman but strong who would smile and greet me throughout the Assembly. We often ate together where she talked about her work and her living in community with her two sons. She was just one of the amazing individuals who is committed to the mission and building new relationships. These new relationships were integral to overcoming frustrations with language differences, word meanings and process difficulties. 

In gratitude  for courage. On at least two occasions, delegates talked about risking their lives to carry out the mission but knew it was the right thing to do. Their courage cannot but make each of us desire to do more within our own District and recommit ourselves to this mission of service to the poor.

In gratitude  for the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Their foresight and wisdom in reaching out and engaging lay partners early on to "march" together in association and in solidarity was amplified within the Assembly. Brother Álvaro, in his closing remarks, said it best “When we gather as Lasallians and go beyond our cultural and religious differences, we feel as though we are brothers and sisters and we live an experience that another world, marked by love, understanding, and respect, is possible.”

Janet Ruggiero
Director of Board Formation
District of San Francisco

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